Title : Blinded Majesty
Blinded Majesty: Understanding the Causes of Eye Loss in the Mighty Asiatic Lion By Wildlife Photographer Karim Kadiwar
Blinded Majesty: Understanding the Causes of Eye Loss in the Mighty Asiatic Lion
Asiatic lions, like all big cats, are vulnerable to various injuries and illnesses that can lead to the loss of an eye. There are several ways that an Asiatic lion or lioness can lose their eye, including fights with other lions, injuries from plants, and poor care after getting hurt.
One of the most common causes of eye injuries in lions is fights with other lions. Lions are known for their aggressive behavior, and they often fight with other lions over territory or mates. These fights can result in serious injuries, including eye injuries, which can lead to the loss of an eye. Sometimes, the injury may be severe enough that the lion needs medical attention, including surgery or medication.
Another way that an Asiatic lion or lioness can lose their eye is by coming into contact with certain plants. Certain plants, like thorny bushes or cactus, can cause serious injuries to a lion’s eyes. In some cases, the plant may scratch or puncture the eye, leading to a serious infection or injury that can ultimately lead to the loss of an eye.
In some cases, an Asiatic lion or lioness may be born with a condition that leads to the loss of one or both eyes. This condition can be genetic or the result of an infection or injury during pregnancy.